Sunday, April 26, 2009

I am feeling so much better; still weak and still sleep a lot. I'm going to start exercising and get to walking again. I do feel so much better when I’m off the chemo.
Thank you every body for your prayers.

From Shirley: APRIL 26

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Cousin Carla said I needed to update the blog, so here is: Nothing is new since Mom got home from the hospital. She's had a visiting nurse every day for the past two weeks, but that will begin to become less frequent as mom is stable. She also gets pt several times a week. Some days she is pretty weak and tired, and other days she is more alert. She came to our house for Easter dinner for a couple hours: was great for her to spend time with us, including Aimee and Christy, their guys, and Mak n Jack. She's just finished her first round of the chemo pill, with no side effects. Sees her doctor this week for a check-up. Her new prism glasses help her to read and knit a little, which is a great joy to her. She's back to watching Survivor again, her favorite show. She also enjoys Dancing with the Stars when she has had an afternoon nap. Your visits, phone calls, and cards mean the world to Mom, Dad, and all of us kids. Thank you so much.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

APRIL 4, 2009

We've had snow TWICE in the past week, but today is SUNNY, just in time for the Daffodil Parade. Mom is home, always the best place to be. Her infections are pretty much gone, although she uses a nebulizer throughout the day to control wheezing. She has a visiting nurse daily for a week or so, plus a pt/ot several days a week. Mom has been on the chemo pills for almost a week, and no reactions so far. The biggest challenge is getting her to walk a bit around the house. Standing up is hard for her, as well as being a tiring task. Visitors: feel free to encourage her to "take a trip around the park" as she calls her route around the house. Please know that your continual support through this long time is beneficial, appreciated, and supportive. Blessings to all of you!